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Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio


Visited Madrid and Barcelona

Paul Kellar

Birth date: December 20, 1997

Major: Business Analytics and Information Systems (minor in Spanish) 


Dream job: Business Analyst for an NBA/NFL team 

Favorite sport: Basketball

Favorite team:

Miami Heat

Favorite memory:

Fun Fact about Me:

Favorite Book:

Bucket list item:

Eleven Rings by Phil Jackson
Attend  a Barcelona vs Real Madrid soccer game
Interviewing my favorite  player of all-time, Oscar Robertson, in sixth grade


Visited the Philippines 


Visited England, Paris, Rome, and Florence 

I am proficient in both Spanish and Tagalog (the native language of the Philippines)

Favorite food: Skyline Cheese Coneys

Summer 2015: Enjoying the view of the mountain ranges in the beautiful Monserrat, Barcelona


All About me:

The iconic Ferris Bueller once proclaimed, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." As cheesy as this may sound, my main goals in life are to love what I do and to make the world a better place by loving those around me. In my life, I love my friends and family, I love sports, and I love to travel.

My friends and family are the people I cherish the most in my life. I have a very close relationship with my close and extended family and I am lucky that they live nearby me. I was born and raised in Cincinnati, and I enjoy spending time with my parents, sister, and grandparents while going to the museum, out to lunch, or out to a Bengals game on the weekend.

Next, I love sports. I played basketball from fourth to twelfth grade, and I have loved playing all other types of sports ever since I can remember. I also love watching sports whenever I can. My dad introduced me to basketball when we watched a Bearcats basketball game together when I was in first grade. Ever since, I was hooked and loved to watch all sports, analyze them, and take part in them whenever possible. As a junior at Sycamore High School, I was the Varsity Team Manager, helping lead drills and crunch numbers for the team. As a senior, I was the head coach of the Saint Mary’s girls’ fourth grade basketball team, and it was one of the most amazing and fun experiences in my life. It was very exciting to analyze my favorite sport from a coaching standpoint, and this demonstrated to me that I wanted to pursue a lifelong career in sports. I seek to find a job that I would enjoy and where I could help others be successful like this coaching job. My dream job would be to invent new statistical analyses and metrics in basketball and football so that these sports could be understood in a new light.

Finally, I love to travel. So far in my life, I have been able to visit ten different countries, my favorite being Spain in that it is the land of my ancestors. Through my travels abroad, I have become more accepting and open-minded towards all types of cultures, people, and ideas. I seek to live abroad in my life and gain a plethora of new experiences by visiting new places and understanding how the world truly works.

All in all, I am a Cincinnati kid who loves sports and loves to travel. I seek to enjoy my life like Ferris advised and to have the best experiences that I can. I am very excited for my journey at UC and I cannot wait to see where life in college will take me and how it will help me grow as a person.

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